Benefits of Estrogen Replacement Therapy for Menopause
Many women approach menopause with great trepidation. They worry if they will develop hot flashes that interfere with their daytime functions and night sweats that prevent restful sleep. As bad as those may sound, it is the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy for the heart, brain, and bones that women should understand.
There is also more to the onset of menopause than worrying about its symptoms. Women also fear stories of increased risk of heart attack, breast cancer, and blood clots from estrogen therapy. In this report, we will uncover the truth about the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms and help separate fact from fiction.
If you are a woman over age forty, learning about the benefits of estrogen replacement now can help you prepare for when menopause arrives. For those who are already menopausal, we hope this article can help give you some peace of mind regarding your treatment options.
Understanding the pros and cons of the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy can help you make the right decision.
Why Should Women Consider Estrogen Replacement Therapy?
Estrogen is a vital hormone in the body – not just for women but also for men. Some of the estrogen, in the form of estradiol, comes from the conversion of testosterone. Female or male, the human body requires an adequate supply of both of these hormones. Unfortunately for women, when menopause arrives, the ovaries cease the production of progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen. Although a small portion still comes from other areas of the body, such as the adrenal glands and peripheral tissues, understanding the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy will help you see why supplementing this hormone may be the right decision for you.
Hormonal balance is critical at any age. If your estrogen levels get too low, every function associated with that hormone can suffer. By utilizing the benefits of estrogen hormone replacement therapy, your body can maintain proper physiological functions.
However, when it comes to benefits, estrogen replacement is not always the right choice. If you are overweight, your body will produce higher amounts of the enzyme aromatase in belly fat. This enzyme converts testosterone into estradiol. Your testosterone levels may decline too much while your estrogen levels may climb. That can result in a condition called estrogen dominance. Because testosterone is a fat-burning hormone, and estrogen is a fat-retaining hormone, you are likely to continue gaining weight. That is also why some women do pack on more pounds during menopause when they begin estrogen therapy.
What Are the Benefits of Estrogen Replacement Therapy?
Let us look at the specific benefits of estrogen replacement therapy for women:
Reduces Menopausal Symptoms
Helps decrease the severity of hot flashes and night sweats
Protects Bones
Slows down bone turnover (resorption) to give the body time to produce new bone cells
Supports Brain Functions
Works on estrogen receptors in the brain to help strengthen memory and cognitive functions
Improves Vaginal Issues
Decreases vaginal atrophy and improves vaginal lubrication
Lowers Certain Health Risks
Estrogen helps to reduce the risk of glaucoma, cataracts, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis
Improves Mood
Estrogen works on receptors in the brain to help reduce depression and improve sleep and mood
Women who experience only vaginal symptoms of menopause can utilize the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy locally. Vaginal estrogen compounds do not carry as many risks as oral medications.
What Are the Short-Term Benefits of Estrogen Replacement Therapy?
Many women look to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to reduce the common symptoms of menopause – hot flashes and night sweats. These effects are sometimes debilitating in nature, interfering with a woman’s quality of life. The short-term benefits of estrogen replacement therapy can help make them bearable, if not eliminate them completely.
Are There Long-Term Benefits of Estrogen Replacement Therapy?
The benefits of long-term estrogen replacement therapy help with strengthening and protecting the bones from weakening. Osteoporosis is a leading cause of loss of independence as women age. For every five adults who experience a hip fracture, only three will still be alive one year later. Only two of the remaining three will ever return to the level of activity and quality of life they had before the accident.
Other long-term benefits of estrogen replacement therapy include sharper brain functions, maintaining vaginal health, and protecting the heart.
How to Decide if Estrogen Replacement Therapy Is Right for You?
Some women have fears about taking estrogen replacement because of the side effects. If you are trying to decide if the benefits of taking estrogen replacement therapy outweigh the negatives, here is what to know:
- Estrogen may increase the risk of blood clots
- The risks of developing certain cancers increase
- Should not be used by women with a history or family history of breast cancer
- Women with a history of uterine cancer should only use estrogen supplements if they have undergone a hysterectomy
- Should not be used by women with a history of or active deep vein thrombosis or blood clotting disorder
- Do not use estrogen with chronic liver disease or liver dysfunction
The above risks do not apply to transvaginal estrogen treatments.
For women concerned about these risks, there are possible other treatments that may help with menopausal symptoms, including natural progesterone, testosterone, and human growth hormone.
For additional information about the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy, or to speak with a medical advisor about safe options for the treatment of menopausal symptoms, please contact National HRT for a free, confidential consultation by phone.